Sports Journalism for 40+ years

It’s not exaggerating to say that sports were in the blood of Chuck Ridenour ’80.
His first foray into sports reporting began when he was an SHS freshman and submitted photos of a freshman football game to The Daily Globe. That marked the beginning of more than 40 years of reporting sports for Daily Globe readers.
For him, Chuck said, sports writing and editing was never work. As Daily Globe sports editor, he covered Whippet teams from state championships to the dissolution of the beloved Northern Ohio League. Title IX saw the advent of girls varsity sports, and Chuck chronicled the early years of girls track, basketball and softball and later girls soccer plus co-ed varsity swimming and bowling.
His dedication to covering sports went well beyond SHS. Articles on YMCA youth soccer, biddy wrestling, summer 5K runs, sports camps and other athletic activities made their way to the doors of many kitchen refrigerators. Says a fellow alum, “As newspapers struggle to retain their place in the media marketplace, Chuck continued to provide relevant coverage of what is so important to so many local sports fans – the Shelby Whippets.” He passed away in 2022.