During her SHS years, Janet Page Whitehill ’62 was Whippet spirit personified. She served on Student Council and Class Executive Committees. She was a cheerleader and Pep Club member all four years. She was a Glee Club member, was on the Scarlet S staff and was a Homecoming Court member.
That Whippet spirit never dimmed. In 2001, undaunted by early naysayers, she began advancing the concept of multi-class reunions for SHS alumni which have, observes one alum, “brought great joy to many SHS graduates” as well as retired teachers. Writes another nominator, “It took many people many hours to put on these reunions, but without Janet’s coming forward with the idea none of this may have happened. The school system has benefited from the nearly $200,000 these hard-working alumni have raised by implementing her concept.” After bringing forth the concept, Janet was co-organizer of the first such reunion – the 2002 gathering that brought together members of the 1957-1967 classes. For that as well as subsequent multiĀ class reunions, she has volunteered for several roles: coordinating with dinner venues and an area nursery, serving as a greeter, distributing door prizes, and serving as a “floater,” helping out where needed.
Adds her brother Gary 64, “She continues to be a great Shelby supporter. Oh, and by the way, she’s a pretty great sister of mine, too.” In addition, Janet has served since 2002 as a charter – and continuing – member of the Board of Trustees for the SHS Alumni Association.
Her range of interests embraces tennis, fitness, travel, reading, scrapbooking and enjoying family that includes 5 children – Debbie Cooke Bostic, Sandy Cooke Graves, Becky Cooke, Christie Whitehill and Ross Whitehill – and eight grandchildren. For more than 20 years she has worked as administrative assistant to the principals of Ashland High School. She lives in Ashland.
Nominators: Ron Whitehill, Gary Page ’64, Mike Johnson ’63.