Kenny Albert ’70 is one of those citizen leaders who sink deep roots into their hometowns and help build strong communities. While at SHS he started for two Northern Ohio League undefeated championship football teams, served on the Junior Class Executive Committee and Scarlet S and Whippet Tales staffs and ran track.
He then went on to build a successful career in the insurance business. Along the way he has remained involved in his community in a range of ways: helped construct baseball dugouts at the high school and the press box at Skiles Field (while still at SHS, he helped install new lights), helped construct Siegfried Field, served for 10 years as president of the Shelby Whippet Athletic Boosters, served as president of the Shelby Chamber of Commerce, served as a Rotary Club board member and been honored as a Paul Harris Fellow. Currently he is serving as chairman of the Governing Board of the Shelby Foundation.
“Kenny is particularly interested in doing whatever he can to help Shelby children,” says a fellow alum. “He also has hosted many gatherings of the Class of ’70 that help keep classmates who don’t live in Shelby in touch with their roots.”
His nominator and presenter: Tom Armstrong ’70.